PeopleNest. HR tools that grow with you. Now with Rota Management.

A software ecosystem, designed to help ambitious organisations streamline and automate HR & people management processes from as little as £1.72 per employee

Trusted by 13,000+ companies

PeopleNest Features:

Absence management

Automated notifications and an integrated calendar make managing holidays and sickness a breeze.

Rotas, solved

Shift gears with smart rota management

We’ve designed our Rota Management module to be more than enough to get you started but not overwhelming. Using smart integration to Peoplenest we’ll sync existing employee and working patterns data to make setup easy and you’ll be making rotas in no time.

Intuitive tools

If you’re regularly using other major software you’ll feel right at home. Copy & paste and drag & drop functionality mean you’ll fly through setup and changes.

Our people for your people

Although we’ve designed things to be powerful but simple we’ll never leave you on your own. As always we’ll be at the end of a phone or email and we’ve provided resources to help you get familiar and be a rota pro in no time.

Cloud Control

As HR legal professionals we take security seriously. We’ve built in all the measures you’d expect to protect you and your people. All your hard work is backed up and available in cloud storage so you’ll never been searching for lost files on your desktop.

Getting started

Mistakes cost money, PeopleNest with rotas is something you won’t regret.

For around the same as your annual coffee budget you can be managing your people with ease.

Just like getting the right people, getting the right tools is something you have to try. That’s why we’re offering a free trial so you’re comfortable we’re a good fit for each other.

PeopleNest + Rota module

Available with a FREE trial

How many employees?

Schedule a chat about your needs with our product consultant

No, it’s not an AI bot, that’s Louis (an actual person…nice person) in the picture and he can chat to you about how PeopleNest with rota capability can help your business.

“We chose to adopt PeopleNest over other systems because of its look and feel, its functional effectiveness, and above all the excellent help we had from the WorkNest team when we were coming to a decision.

Our HR Team love every aspect of the system – it’s easy to administer and extremely flexible. Above all, customer service is far beyond our expectations.”

Paul Stone
Group HR Director, Uniserve Group

Popular FAQs

Common queries about PeopleNest.

Will I be able to run reports?

HR users and managers can have access to reporting (subject to management permissions/set-up),  and there are over 75 built-in reports available.

Can employees request TOIL and/or overtime?

Yes. If your organisational policy is to offer this, employees can request overtime and TOIL as well as holiday and absence, if required.

Is the system self-service for employees?

Yes. Employees can access the application to view and update their own details, request absence and view company and their own documentation.

Do you have a mobile app?

The application is mobile responsive and therefore available on any device from your mobile browser.

Do you have two factor authentication?

Yes. You can ask all users to use 2FA or individual groups of users.

Can you stop someone from accessing the application out of the office?

Yes. You can set up an allowable IP list to ensure users are accessing the application in a secured environment.

Can you train the whole HR team or just one person?

As many people as required can attend the training session, although we recommend only the key users take part.

How long will the training take?

There will be an initial two-hour 1-2-1 training session and there will be ongoing support available should you need it, via the client support services team.

How will I be trained / how will I train my colleagues?

Training will take place online, using either GoToMeeting or Microsoft Teams. You will be well supported and provided with ongoing support as required.

Where will our data be held?

Your data will be stored securely on our servers based in the UK.

Does the data get backed-up regularly?

Yes, nightly back-ups are carried out over a seven-day rolling period and a weekly off-site back-up is also done.

What support will we receive once we are live?

Following successful completion of your training, the client support services team offers email, telephone and in-app support.

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