Looking for support with returning employees safely to your workplace? Speak to our experts today

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The Prime Minister has now set out the government’s plans to live with and manage the virus in England.

So, after two years of employers doing everything possible to maintain safe workspaces with the help of various government schemes which made this possible, what headaches does the government’s ‘living with COVID’ plan create for businesses and how can you uphold your duty of care?

During this informative 45-minute session, WorkNest’s Director of Legal Services, James Tamm, and Director of Health & Safety, Nick Wilson, unpick the government’s living with COVID plan in layman’s terms, offer advice on the challenges this might create for employers, and answer some of the pertinent questions you may have now.

Hit play to watch the full session now.

Free related resources from this webinar

Living With Covid Guide

On 21 February 2022, the English government announced plans to lift all remaining COVID-19 related restrictions. The purpose of this short guide is to set out briefly what the plan is and what the employment law implications of the announcements may be.

Home and Hybrid Working Policy

This sample policy sets out the process employees should follow if they wish to request home/hybrid working and the conditions that apply if the request is granted.

Refusals to Return to Work Guide

With the work from home guidance withdrawn, refusals to return to work are likely. This guide explains where employers stand legally in these scenarios.

SSP - When Is It Payable?

The SSP Regulations have been amended on numerous occasions during the pandemic. Read our guidance on when it is and isn’t payable.

Get support with managing your employee issues

With the end to legally-mandated self-isolation, testing for close contacts and certain support/services, plus the requirement to consider COVID-19 in your risk assessments soon to be revoked, employers will inevitably face HR and employment law issues once restrictions end.

From managing COVID cases to dealing with refusals to work from anxious employees or those who would prefer to work from home, WorkNest is here to help.

We assign each of our clients a small, dedicated team of Employment Law experts as part of our unlimited, fixed-fee service who get to know your organisation inside out. When issues arise, your team will talk you through your legal options, draft any written correspondence you require, and walk you through each stage of the process – saving you time, ensuring you’re compliant and mitigating legal risk.

If you’d like to arrange an exploratory call to find out if our service is a good fit for your organisation, schedule a callback at a time convenient for you.

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