Preferential rates apply on EW services for Contact Centre Panel members
From time to time, you may need extra help with your people and employment responsibilities. Our Employment One2One services gives you access to unlimited personalised support from named professionals at a highly preferential fixed-fee.
What’s included in Employment Law One2One
Our specialist HR and Employment Law service will help your business to manage staff in line with the law and minimise time spent dealing with staff issues. Our pragmatic, commercially-minded support includes:
- Your own small team of legally-qualified Employment Law Advisers who you can call upon at any time for clear, practical advice on a full spectrum of employment challenges, from simple sickness absence to complex disciplinary procedures, contractual changes and redundancy.
- 24/7 support, with no limit on the number or length of calls you can make, giving you the reassurance that help is always available.
- An expert review of your Contracts of Employment and Employee Handbook to ensure they are up-to-date, legally-compliant, tailored to your specific needs, and offer maximum protection for your business. If you are without these documents, we will create them for you.
- Bespoke drafting of your employment-related documents and letters (rather than, as is the case with some providers, providing you with templates and expecting you to do the work yourself).
- Your own personal online area, where you can find all your important documents, refer back to telephone and email conversations with your adviser, and access a library of professionally-developed guidance notes and document templates.
- Regular email updates and practical webinars to keep you informed of new case law and other legislative developments that may impact your business.
- Expert support in the event of an employee claim, including handling negotiations with Acas, the Tribunal, the claimant(s) and their advisers, as well as representing you should a case proceed to an Employment Tribunal hearing.
Specialists in the professional services sector
Ellis Whittam is a leading provider of Employment Law and HR advice to UK businesses. We understand the pressures you face, how you work, and how this has changed over time. As such, we are able to tailor our support and advice to best serve your needs, guarantee best possible outcomes, and help you maintain an legally compliant business.
Protection against claims and enforcement action
With the One2One service, you have the option of purchasing additional FCA-regulated LEI to cover the cost of Employment Tribunal litigation and representation, awards and settlements.
Our team of highly experienced litigators have an exceptional track record supporting Employment Tribunal claims, with 95.4% of cases won, settled, struck out or withdrawn.
To find out more about our Employment One2One support, call 0345 226 8393 or email and quote CCP.
Preferential rates apply on EW services for CCP members

Coronavirus Advice Hub
Businesses across the UK are naturally concerned about the spread of coronavirus and what it means for them.
With the situation evolving daily, our Coronavirus Advice Hub is designed to offer a single source of regularly updated guidance so that you can take decisive action, minimise disruption, and keep people safe.
We support The National Pharmacy Association's members with their HR and Health & Safety.