Additional Support Services for NPA Members
As part of your NPA membership you can take advantage of a wide range of additional HR and health & safety services from WorkNest.
All at preferential rates!

Ad-hoc Document Drafting
Need contracts of employment creating, a locum agreement drawing up, or a Settlement Agreement preparing? As an NPA member, you can access WorkNest’s drafting service without entering into a contract.
Whether you’re starting from scratch or just need something tailoring to your needs – let our experts take care of all your document requirements, giving you confidence that they’re compliant and watertight.
Please contact the NPA Employment Law Advisory Service on 0330 123 0558 or email employmentadvice@npa.co.uk to discuss your requirements.
HR Consultancy Services
WorkNest’s HR Consultancy services cover the entire employee lifecycle, with flexible fee structures to suit your requirements. Get retained support, pay as you go, or purchase a bank of hours to cover a particular project.
Its bespoke HR solutions can help with:
- Employee relations, including on-site support with grievances and disciplinaries
- Organisational change and strategy, including restructures and redundancy
- Training and team development, including management training and one-to-one coaching
For more information and to discuss your specific needs, call 0345 226 8393 or fill in the form below to receive a callback.
Occupational Health
A pharmacy manager may create referrals for an employee to Occupational Health for a variety of reasons:
- Short-term or long-term sickness absence
- Concerns over performance or behaviour
- Concerns over an employee’s capacity to continue to work
- To determine whether an employee is fit to attend a disciplinary or other meetings
- Following a serious accident or illness at work
WorkNest’s sister company, Healthwork, are a leading provider of innovative Occupational Health solutions in the UK. Healthwork can advise managers regarding an employee’s health issues, including any reasonable adjustments that could be considered to ensure a safe/healthy working environment. They can also help to assess an employee’s fitness for work.
All of this supports decision making, saves you pharmacy money and helps get staff back to work quickly – the outcome being a happier and healthier workforce.
For more information and to discuss your specific needs, call 0345 226 8393 or fill in the form below to receive a callback.
Employee Assistance Programme
Stress can lead to burnout, disengagement, more sick days and strained relationships. Providing an employee assistance programme (EAP) is an effective, tangible solution for employers who want to provide genuine mental health support to their employees.
Delivered by our partners at Wellbeing Solutions, this employer-funded service provides staff with a 24/7 helpline where they can receive free, confidential advice from BACP-accredited counsellors – including legal, debt and life management advice – plus a wealth of online and printed mental health resources.
It also provides support for your pharmacy in the form of detailed usage reports, clinical governance, a bespoke HR portal and consultancy options.
For more information and to discuss your specific needs, call 0345 226 8393 or fill in the form below to receive a callback.
Fire Risk Assessment
Add genuine value to your current fire risk management programme, and ensure your pharmacy meets its duties under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, with a suitable and sufficient Fire Risk Assessment.
This service is delivered by WorkNest’s sister company, Marlowe Fire & Security, fire risk management specialists operating throughout the UK.
Marlowe Fire & Security is registered to the BAFE SP205 Life Safety Fire Risk Assessment Scheme – giving you assurance that they have the required technical and quality management capabilities and qualified assessors to provide a compliant solution.
For more information and to discuss your specific needs, call 0345 226 8393 or fill in the form below to receive a callback.
Fire Services
Fire extinguishers are essential to protect the integrity of your pharmacy and the safety of your employees and visitors.
WorkNest’s sister company, Marlowe Fire and Security, provides a comprehensive range of fire extinguishers and fire safety equipment to respond to the specific needs of your site, including:
- Fire extinguishers
- Fire extinguisher storage
- Fire hose reels
- Fire blankets
- Fire safety signs
For more information and to discuss your specific needs, call 0345 226 8393 or fill in the form below to receive a callback.
Statutory Inspections
WorkNest can also support NPA members if you have requirements for support regarding statutory inspections such as:
- Asbestos surveys
- Legionella and Water Testing
- Electrical Testing
For more information and to discuss your specific needs, call 0345 226 8393 or fill in the form below to receive a callback.

99.2% Client happiness rating
97% Client retention rating
Client stories

Gus Hosein
Executive Director, Privacy International
WorkNest supports our 280 staff members with Employment Law and Health & Safety and has provided quality management training too.”
Lisa Best
Head of Service Delivery, Catalyst Choice
We get a great deal of comfort and satisfaction knowing that we have support as and when we need it, in a decisive and responsive way.”
Richard Berry
Group HR Director, Culina Group

We moved our legal support to WorkNest (formerly Law at Work) having previously used a time and line law firm. It was important, though, that an all-inclusive fee structure did not come at the expense of quality. Thankfully we’ve been delighted with the service we’ve received from WorkNest.”
Chief Executive
Waverley Care
What we recognised in WorkNest is the background that they have. They are able to supply knowledge and experience in a number of disciplines, which enables us to develop our business in a way that’s safe, to do it on time and with a quality to it.”
Debbie Rainbow
Director of Human Resources and Health & Safety,
Bluestone National Park Resort

Celia McKeon
Chief Executive, The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT)
As the company started to get larger, we knew we had to protect our employees and our contractors both onsite and in the offices. WorkNest is exactly what we needed to move the company forward.”
Joanne Beaver
Operations Director, Beaverfit

Pineapple have worked with the team at WorkNest (formerly Law at Work) since 2003, and we have built a trusted partnership together. We particularly like WorkNest’s concise and practical advice concerning employment law/HR issues and also appreciate their totally supportive approach in all areas of health and safety.”
General Manager
Pineapple Dance Studios
I’ve taken WorkNest into every organisation that I’ve worked with. I’ve introduced them to many teams and many colleagues and referred them with absolute pleasure because I genuinely trust in the service that we get.”
People Director, The Works