HOSPITALITY AND LEISURE | Common health and safety risks and how to reduce them
Blog Employers are required to identify the hazards present in their workplace and to take reasonable steps to control the risks arising from those hazards.
Blog Employers are required to identify the hazards present in their workplace and to take reasonable steps to control the risks arising from those hazards.
An engineering company has been fined after an apprentice was injured by a lathe. Health & Safety Executive investigators found the company had failed to carry
A distribution company has been fined after inadequate Health & Safety training led to a worker being seriously injured on his first day of work.
The guidance employees receive when starting a new job can mean the difference between feeling welcomed into a new team or completely bewildered. Despite this,
With an ongoing skills gap in the manufacturing industry, we take a look at the issues manufacturers are facing with their workforce, and what the
A conveyer belt of people running out the door is very bad for business. It can have a negative effect on employees’ morale as they
Employees leave an organisation for different reasons. They could be: Resigning Retiring Being dismissed It is an accepted way of life for businesses that people
Whether entrepreneurs believe it or not, HR is an important ingredient to success. To grow and build your business, you need staff. When managing a
Do you remember the first day in your current job? Chances are it was a bit daunting. But a well thought out first few days can
Revisions to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations will take effect on April 6th 2015. The changes are being implemented in order to further ensure
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