Our DO IT values guide our colleagues to be the best that they can be.
We’ve summarised what these mean to us below:
We Deliver brilliant service
We are passionate about providing a quality service that exceeds expectations.
We believe in fixed fees and we are committed to providing fair value.
We strive for continuous improvement, suggesting and fostering ideas.
We use our own initiative to drive performance and innovation.
We are decisive and take action, being effective and efficient in all we do.
We actively develop and use our professional skills and knowledge.
We are Optimistic
We are enthusiastic, motivating others with our positive attitude.
We are supportive and fair-minded, showing care.
We act as role models and we are friendly and welcoming.
We are adaptable and flexible, willing to embrace change.
We help each other, give recognition where it’s due and make coming to work
We have Integrity
We are passionate about our mission.
We are excited about our vision and we work hard to achieve it.
We do the right thing by colleagues, clients, and our wider community.
We trust and empower each other, seeking and accepting greater responsibility in
We are honest, conscientious and we take ownership.
We respect each other, believe in equality and treat each other with dignity.
We are one Team
We learn from, collaborate with and consult each other, actively listening.
We train, support, develop and coach colleagues, sharing knowledge and skills.
We constantly strive to improve two-way communication with clarity and
We engage with each other across teams and departments.
We give, receive and act upon constructive feedback and celebrate success.
Body Representing Ellis Whittam Staff (BREWS)
Our BREWS group represents all colleagues here at Ellis Whittam. They act as the colleague voice on all matters, are involved in all levels of decision-making, and are the main group consulted with in relation to engagement. They work hard to organise a series of novel events throughout the year to bring colleagues together, including raising money for our chosen charities through fundraising activities.

Ellis Whittam is committed to being a great place to work.
To keep us on the right track, we invite benchmarking organisations to independently review how well we’re doing in achieving this aim. Some of our awards and ways to review Ellis Whittam are on shown here.