Redundancies – KAT – 1 Oct

making someone redundant

0345 226 8393 COVID-19 live Q&A: Managing collective redundancies compliantly 1 October 2020 | 14:00 – 14:45 With latest official figures already revealing 730,000 jobs

Redundancies – SME

making someone redundant

0345 226 8393 COVID-19 live Q&A: Following a fair redundancy process 10 September 2020 | 15:00 – 15:45 With many established household names already announcing

Redundancies – Generic

making someone redundant

0345 226 8393 COVID-19 live Q&A: Following a fair redundancy process We will be hosting two sessions to cater more specifically to the size of

Redundancies – KAT

making someone redundant

0345 226 8393 COVID-19 live Q&A: Managing collective redundancies compliantly 3 September 2020 | 14:00 – 14:45 With latest official figures already revealing 730,000 jobs