Harpur Trust v Brazel | Supreme Court confirms pro-rating holiday pay for part-year workers is unlawful
BLOG Written by Jane Hallas on 20 July 2022 The long-awaited decision of the Supreme Court in the holiday entitlement and pay case of Harpur
BLOG Written by Jane Hallas on 20 July 2022 The long-awaited decision of the Supreme Court in the holiday entitlement and pay case of Harpur
BLOG Written by Lesley Rennie on 26 May 2022 How do you calculate holiday pay for permanent workers with no set hours such as ad-hoc, zero hours
Blog By now, you should be aware of new government legislation that means all employers to provide an itemised payslip. This took effect from 6
Brexit may be dominating MPs time but the government has also been hard at work producing its Good Work Plan. This plan sets out its
It’s been a busy 2018 for Employment Law and HR changes. Ellis Whittam takes a closer look at some of the most significant events that
Having a ‘side hustle’ is becoming an increasingly popular move for employees. For most people who work a second job, it’s out of financial necessity.
Blog In order to save some money, employers may be tempted to download a free contract of employment or attempt to draft one themselves by
Thousands of students up and down the country will be finishing off their exams and waiting anxiously for their results to see if they got
Sign up for the latest news & insights BLOG As employees move through their careers, the idea of continuous employment, especially when shifting to a
April has brought about some changes for employers in Wales in relation to domiciliary workers. Perhaps the most significant change is that providers are now
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