Quarterly Breakfast Briefing | Fixed-Term Contracts and Contractor Management | Useful Resources

Our hugely popular quarterly seminars have been created specifically for education leaders as part of our ongoing commitment to supporting schools through their various employment, HR and health and safety challenges.

In addition to these sessions, our expert teams are continuing to produce free resources for education leaders to help you understand your responsibilities, overcome your people management obstacles and maintain compliant practices and premises for staff and pupils, both during coronavirus and beyond.

In our final Breakfast Briefing of the year, our Employment Law and HR experts shone the spotlight on fixed-term contracts, following a rise in education employers getting caught out by not fully understanding fixed-term employees’ legal rights.

In the second part of this session, we took a closer look at the importance of good contractor management and offered practical ways to implement robust contractor controls.

If you’d benefit from flexible, fixed-fee Employment Law, HR and Health & Safety support to help you manage your workforce and ensure legal compliance, complete the form to request a callback.

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In this comprehensive one-hour webinar, solicitor and Head of our Education Team, Jane HallasPrincipal Health & Safety Consultant Scott Crichton, and HR Consultant Simon Bellard will walk you through:

  • Are fixed-term contracts still worth the paper they are written on?
  • The associated benefits and risks of using fixed-term contracts
  • Legislation and key areas for education clients to be aware of, including:
    • Continuity of employment and when successive fixed-term contracts may be deemed to be permanent;
    • Contractual terms;
    • Risks around termination;
    • Redundancies;
    • Less favourable treatment;
    • The impact on maternity leave.
  • The importance of managing contractors and your legal duties
  • Practical ways to implement robust contractor controls
  • The consequences of poor contractor management
  • Signposting to useful resources
  • Live Q&A

Resources from the webinar

During registration, we invited registrants to submit questions for the Q&A session. Our experts have now compiled their responses and a full list is available to download below.


Related resources

Guidance Note: Fixed-Term Contracts of Employment

Created by our Employment Law experts, this guide covers the key things education providers need to know when engaging staff on fixed-term contracts, including the Fixed-term Employees Regulations, comparable treatment and what happens when these contracts expire.

Invite to Discuss Expiry of Fixed-Term Contract

Use this letter to invite the employee to a meeting to discuss the expiry of their current fixed-term contract.

Important: We strongly recommend seeking professional legal advice prior to sending out this letter.

Letter Extending or Renewing Fixed-Term Contract

Use this letter to confirm the renewal or extension of an employee’s fixed-term contract.

Important: We strongly recommend seeking professional legal advice prior to sending out this letter.

Contractor Management Pack

Created by our Health & Safety specialists, this pack can be given to contractors to make them aware of your rules and provide them with the information they need to keep themselves and others safe whilst on your premises.

Selection of Contractors Checklist

Created by our Health & Safety specialists, this checklist addresses the generic checks to be undertaken prior to engaging the services of a contractor.

Contractors Safety Information

Created by our Health & Safety specialists, this document sets out the conditions that contractors must agree to before commencing work to ensure a high standard of safety in all areas of their control. These conditions form an integral part of the contract agreement.

Blog: Rights of fixed-term employees

Fixed-term contracts can be very useful to cover a period of maternity leave or long-term sick leave, to do a job where funding has been provided to undertake a specific task, or to do some seasonal work.

However, employers often aren’t aware that fixed-term employees have a lot more rights and protections than they may first realise, which can lead to some nasty surprises…

Health and Safety in Schools | An Introduction to our Four Pillar Approach

This guide is an introduction to our four-pillar approach to heath and safety management in schools. It will help you to consider the specific risks present in your environment and the ways we can help you.

Meet the Education specialists

Jane Hallas
Head of Team and Solicitor
Scott Crichton
Principal Health & Safety Consultant
Simon Bellard
HR Consultant

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Throughout the pandemic, our Employment Law and Health & Safety specialists have continued to produce free, practical guidance and templates for employers.
To access all these resources, plus be notified when new resources are added in relation to COVID-19, register for free now.

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