Corporate volunteering | 6 key benefits for your business

Written by Katie Muncaster, Chief People Officer, WorkNest on June 3, 2024

This week marks Volunteers’ Week – an national initiative that serves as an opportunity to celebrate the amazing contributions volunteers make to communities across the UK. As we reflect on the impact of volunteering, it prompts us to explore the significant benefits that launching a volunteering programme within an organisation can bring.  

The power of Employer Supported Volunteering

Encouraging employees to volunteer their time and skills can be a transformative initiative, benefitting both individuals and employers alike. From boosting morale and developing professional skills, to enhancing your corporate social responsibility efforts, Employer Supported Volunteering (ESV) – or Corporate Volunteering – is a powerful tool that can build social connections both within and outside of the organisation, as well as strengthen our commitment to a healthier society.

WorkNest’s commitment to volunteering

At WorkNest, we champion ESV for its numerous advantages. We believe in the importance of giving back to the community and recognise the benefits that volunteering can have – not only for those receiving the support but for our own colleagues’ health and happiness too.

WorkNest colleagues can take up to two paid VITO (Voluntary Impactful Time Off) days per year to support any registered charity or local service that operates within their local area. This could be supporting a charitable organisation with an event, volunteering at a food bank or carrying out a locally focused activity such as community garden maintenance.

In the last 12 months, WorkNest Group colleagues have actively volunteered their time to support several charitable causes, demonstrating our collective dedication to giving back to our communities. Activities have included, spending time preparing the allotment areas at The Children’s Adventure Farm Trust, sorting donations and staffing the shop at the Horsham District Foodbank, and cycling the impressive distance equivalent to the span between WorkNest’s nationwide offices – 1413 miles – to raise vital funds for Maggie’s, our chosen charity partner.

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6 key benefits of corporate volunteering

  1. Learning and development opportunities. From a personal and professional development standpoint, it allows individuals to cultivate valuable soft skills like leadership, communication, and problem-solving through practical application in community settings. This hands-on experience can be even more impactful and cost effective than classroom-based training.

  2. Enhanced employee engagement: Beyond hard and soft skills development, volunteering fosters a sense of purpose, pride, and engagement for employees. Having their employer support and encourage volunteering efforts shows they are valued and can be a major driver of loyalty and employee engagement. Employees appreciate the opportunity to give back while still being compensated.

  3. Skills sharing: Volunteering simultaneously allows businesses to provide skilled assistance to charities and community groups who may otherwise lack access to such professional-grade support. It’s a symbiotic relationship of sharing resources for public good.

  4. Reinforces company values: Additionally, volunteering can promote EDI and sustainability – by linking volunteering projects to company values, it can boost wellbeing, organisational commitment and understanding of these values.

  5. Networking opportunities: From a networking perspective, volunteering can connect people with new organisations and peers who share similar values. This expanded network has personal confidence-boosting benefits and can increase brand awareness for employers.

  6. Demonstrates importance of CSR: For organisations, facilitating employee volunteering strengthens their brand and reputation within local communities and demonstrates a genuine commitment to social responsibility. Strong volunteering programs can also be a compelling talent attraction and retention tool for prospective employees who prioritise such initiatives.
volunteers and charities

5 tips for implementing a volunteering programme into your organisation


Consider how you will create a culture of volunteering that makes an impact. Aligning your programme with your organisation’s values is really important to ensure it makes meaningful impact. This alignment helps colleagues understand and support the programme, fostering a genuine commitment to the initiative’s aims.


Ensure you have buy-in from the top. The success of a volunteering programme needs the support of the entire organisation, particularly from your executive and management teams. Ensuring that they endorse and are onboard with the initiative is key.


Plan the management of the volunteering programme. Having a clear plan of how the programme will be implemented is really important. Think about how people will request time off and who will authorise this. Also think about how you will you launch the programme, using  newsletters,  company-wide communications, and team meetings to really convey the key messages.


Share stories to boost employee engagement and pride. Showcasing the amazing contributions and impact that your colleagues have made is a great way to recognise and celebrate the values of the organisation.


Provide a range of volunteering options for employees. At WorkNest, we encourage our colleagues to be involved in any volunteering opportunities that they find impactful, whether it’s with a charity they have a close connection with, or maybe one that allows them to develop professionally. We also encourage volunteering with our charity partner, Maggie’s – the home of cancer care. Providing a wide range of opportunities for volunteering helps meet the varied interests and needs of your employees and will help ensure that your programme is as accessible and inclusive as possible.

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